It is not easy to choose the color brand that is best for your type of work.
Deciding which color line to carry is a big decision. First you must consider what your clientele requires:
Do you need a line that has great white hair coverage?

Do you need one that covers but, does not lighten the natural hair color?

Are you looking for a line that is more translucent?
Interested in High Lift Brunettes or Reds?
Do want to be able to convert your color from a permanent to a demi-permanent one?

Are your clients afraid of PPD?

Are they afraid of high ammonia content?

Do you like to have total control over your shades, or do you like pre-mixed shades?
Do you look at quality and good price?

ISome colors are better for white hair coverage, others are known for producing amazing blondes, do you want red shades that will not fade or fantasy shades that are long lasting?

What about the male market? Do your male clients’ colors turn into unwanted brassy shades as the time goes on?
Every color has advantages and disadvantages. Do you want to promote companies that undermine your business by selling boxed color?
Think hard, you are an artist, you need products that allow you to be creative, you also want to have products that are gentle on your clients’ hair and scalp and lastly you are looking to improve your income.