Aloe vera is a drought-resistant succulent of the lily family. It is indigenous to hot countries and has been used medicinally for over 5000 years by Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, and European cultures. Aloe vera gel is the mucilaginous aqueous extract of the leaf pulp of Aloe barbadensis Miller. It contains over 70 biologically active compounds.
Science has shown that key ingredients of this superstar plant have beneficial properties for your hair care.

- Cleanse the hair efficiently and gently (Saponins)
- Remove residues from hair products
- Strengthen and repair the hair strands (vitamins B12, A, C, E + Folic Acid+ Amino Acids)
- Prevent dehydration (Polysaccharides)
- Calm itchy scalps, control flakiness thanks to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal action (Enzymes + Fatty acids+ Anthraquinones + Phytosterols + Glycosides)
- Protect the hair from environmental, free-radicals damage (Flavones)